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Taller Online: Yin Yoga & Reiki y los Chakras

1 mayo, 2022 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Yin Yoga & Reiki online

7 talleres online a través de Zoom junto a José de Groot

* Los talleres y la información son en inglés

Experience a powerful spiritual and healing journey as we work on the seven chakra system using the transformational combination of Yin Yoga & Reiki.

In each workshop you’ll learn about each chakra and then deepen your investigation and self-inquiry with a silent meditation, guided Reiki self-treatment and Yin Yoga asanas (postures) together with Reiki to end with a well-deserved long shavasana (relaxation) with Reiki (energy healing).

Each of the seven workshops offered is unique. You can enjoy one, two, three, four… or the seven of them. However, we recommend you take all of them: The seven workshops complete the seven chakras system and will offer you a complete spiritual and healing experience. Always with Yin Yoga & Reiki as the core of the practice, each workshop is focused on a specific Chakra: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara; reaching the heart of it and expanding our awareness.

The Yin Yoga & Reiki combination was created in 2007 in Barcelona by José de Groot and Jordi Ibern. The deep emotional and physical healing effects of Yin Yoga fit perfectly with the calmness that Reiki offers.

Workshop 7 — Yin Yoga & Reiki: Sahasrara Chakra

Sunday,  May 1st – 9:30 to 12:00 (UTC/GMT +2 hours)

The chakra of spiritual connection and awareness

• Introduction of the Sahasrara Chakra
• Meditation and guided Reiki self-treatment
• Yin Yoga practice with application of Reiki
• Shavasana with guided Reiki self-treatment
• Closing


Book this session – €45
Book all sessions for just €270



One Workshop → €45
Seven Workshops → €270
* Includes 7-day access to recording for the workshop

What is Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a specific Yoga practice which stimulates, restores, and extends the scope of the original motion of the deeper tissues of the body, ligaments, tendons, and joints. Through the deeper tissues you stimulate the Chi flow all over your body and beyond, which leaves you completely nurtured. Yin yoga is effective, intense, and meditative, but first and above all, it’s therapeutic. Its results, among which a profound positive effect on the mind and a release of emotional stagnation, last usually for a long time.

Yin Yoga teacher → José de Groot (


What is Reiki
Reiki is a Japanese spiritual practice developed in the early twentieth century by a Buddhist monk named Usui Sensei. Its aim is to maintain—or restore—balance and to provide spiritual well-being.
With Shinto, Taoist, and Buddhist roots, it is based on the transmission of Ki (vital energy) through the hands and meditation. Regular practice has a calming effect and promotes mental clarity.

Reiki teacher → Jordi Ibern (


Jose de Groot
+31 (0) 652031556
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